Tuesday, August 19, 2008

allow me to reintroduce myself

to define luckbox united is the groundwork for this blog, luckbox coming from the poker world, as if you have a box filled with luck that lets you run good at critical times, and united from the futbol world, as in dc united, or yet more appealing, the united states of america. the passion for both poker and soccer are really what are driving me to write, along with some other topics like style and class, both of which i have little of but have great aspirations of. my name is biggy, and i love nothing more then snapping a brilliant free kick into the box and watching one of my teammates bury it with their head past a keeper. i also love lamp. after aspiring too long to write more, i think it is time to take some action. if one was to ask me what currently is running through my head in terms of top 5 topics, they would be

-US men's national team world cup qualifying, and pretty much the USMNT in general
-how soon the summer ends and i go back to school, with the intent to star on the club team
-learning to beat 50nl better
-hoping that i can find a nice Earthquakes jersey in the next two weeks
-and wondering what i am going to do with my life in 5 months when I graduate

if any of this seems borderline interesting, maybe i will be worth your time. if not, maybe you are so bored that i am worth your time no matter how dumb you think i am. if i am not worth your time, i recommend googling www.theoriginalwinger.com or www.theoffsiderules.blogspot.com as they are both blogs i enjoy greatly, and are certainly worth your time.


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