Thursday, August 21, 2008

grinding and grinding

playing some cash games for the first time in a prob a week. i have pretty much decided that playing after work is futile, because I usually just don't care and tilt my money off wayyyy too easily, or i get super frustrated and it is like my job extended. which is not good. because my goal is to a) make money and b) have it not suck while making money.

I do want to say something that has helped me so much in building a bankroll was signing up for rakeback. it is so clutch for anybody who is playing online, especially if you are playing small stakes, because the rake takes so much of a bigger cut of your profit. if you don't have it, get it, and if you are considering starting playing online, make sure you sign up for rakeback first. it has been worth a ton of money to me just since november. rakeupdate is cash money, click here to go there

i will update post sesh, which might be short, since im playing omaha hilo, and it looks like we are gonna play wii bowling at the same time

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