Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"the US has just won a street fight in Guatemala"

couldn't have been much more true. the game was poorly played by the US, and they didn't look particularly special. However, a win is a win, and certainly on the road it is a brilliant win. scattered thoughts from the game:

-wtf espn. cut away from the baseball game and go straight to the soccer. the pennant race is not going to be decided in august anyway. bump them onto espn classic.
- Landon needs to attack from the wings when he gets the ball out there. He did way too much pulling the ball back when either driving a ball in to streaking forwards or dribbling at defenders were both much more dangerous options.
- On the same note, that kinda went for the whole team. where was the creativity/flair? I think it is time to bump bradley or mastroeni from the center mid, and let either dempsey/adu have a run as a withdrawn forward with the other as an attacking mid. we aren't beating world powers attacking like tonight, and unless Bradley gets some attacking freedom, two dmids is not getting it done.
- well done Chingy. you didn't do much early, but second half you were a difference maker. loved the backscreen on Boca's goal, and your workrate up top was first class.
- Oh how having Damarcus beasley on the field changes things. We miss you D, get back to fitness quick please.
-Carlos Ruiz is a piece of crap. how he didn't have a red by sixty in is beyond me
-Scrappy win fellas. good teams win even when they suck, and so does the US apparently.

Usain bolt is incredible, his running is so dominant. It made me think how sick Olympic track events would be with soccer players only. think of donovan, messi, eto'o and torres all squaring off in the 200. the combinations would be awesome.

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