Monday, August 25, 2008

the city

so my boy trev calls me up friday, lets me know he's headed for the city, drivin up from socal to kick it with his boy garrett who lives there. im stoked cuz i havent seen either of them in days and we are def goin out and doin it up, which is sweet cuz everybody has left for school, and i have nobody to go out with. so sat night i jump on bart from ptown, and get into sf about 10pm. they pick me up at bart on 16th and mission with some more friends and we head for the marina. im stoked cuz i still hadn't gone out in the city yet, even though ive been old enough for days.

first place we head out to is Kelley's Tavern. We roll in and it seems like a pretty cool scene, its pretty crowded and they are bumpin some hip hop. We cruise to the bar get some drinks, and I'm looking around the place and see a signed Red Bull New York jersey on the wall. I was super stoked, cuz anyone who has anything related to the MLS up in their joint is cool with me. I wanted to take a picture, but some girls were in the way, and later as i had more to drink i fully forgot, because well, alcohol does not help you remember. we chilled there for a while, talked to some ladies (who unfortunately i remember 0 of their names and pretty much nothing about, trev confirmed that the one i chatted with for a while was cute) and then we peaced and headed for matrix philmore.

this place was a supposed to be a little more club like, as we were all lookin to get our dance on. the location and setup of the place was super sick, but the vibe was just off, the people on the dance floor were not dancing and it was a bummer. so little pop for so much possibility. trev and i hit some patron and we were both feelin real nice, but the fact that we couldn't really hit the dance floor was a bummer. we got some pizza, then went back to g's place and crashed.

woke up, wathced super sunday which was glorious cuz i finally got to see the fulham highlights, brilliant stuff fellas, then we snagged some costco pizza pre spanish cup thing that was on today, it was a real good game, until we all fell asleep in the second half. i hate when im too tired to focus on soccer, its a huge bummer. took bart back to the east bay, rockin my super fly chicago fire jersey from last year, the last one that says fire on it, which i like way better then the new ones. now im puttin in a sesh, plus about a bi at 100pl08, but played aa3q poorly pre when guy in front of me potted and i just called, but w/e.

on a slightly more random not, Fox Soccer Channel has the worst commercials. they are sooooo bad. in fact they are bad enough that some of them get the SLO rating, as in SLO has a lot of really bad small town commercials that are like homemade. one would think that advertising on FSC would be a good idea considering the ever growing appeal of the epl in the states, but maybe thats just me.

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