Wednesday, September 10, 2008

the boys are back in town

the title rings true in more ways then one. first, the us is back home in chi-town, taking on T&T in a game that has a lot of importance. if the US can get a good result, like a 3 goal win, it will benefit them twofold. first, it will hopefully get some of these idiots who are calling for bob bradley's head off his back and make my reading of other soccer blogs much more enjoyable. second, it should allow some of the young guys to get a chance to play in the next qualifier, vs cuba in october, and it will also give guys like EJ, Baby Bradley, and Demps a chance to settle in at their clubs and hopefully not have to make the cross atlantic journey weekly. and maybe we will get some kcoop and the young guns love. that would be nice.

second, im back at college. which means im gearing up for tryouts. which also means i will get to watch the game downtown tonight with my boooyyyssss. which im stoked about. time to get the scarf and the so fresh and so clean new white demps jersey out of the car.

things to look for tonight.
1) landon stepping up. BIG.
2) a goal early for the US. if they snatch an early one, it will set the pace for the game
3) better possession. you heard it hear first, the us will look crisp on the passing and ball movement side. someone actually cutting the grass before the game certainly will contribute to the us' success passing wise.

look for a 3-0 us win, with a goal from beasley, one from donovan, and a late one from ej off of the bench.

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