Wednesday, September 3, 2008

too cool for school.

That’s right. Nike was a trendster. So was I. It was mid spring 04, and I was in the city on a class “field trip”, which meant we rampaged around union square and then had a “business meal” at cheesecake factory. Nice life being a senior in high school. My friend and I cruised into Niketown, because Niketown is like a dream, especially the one in SF. Why? Jerseys. Tons of soccer jerseys. I love soccer jerseys. Especially the European ones that only niketown sells. In fact, my first jersey purchases were from niketown. On the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, where I copped these three beauts. (all mine are shortsleeve though) Nothing like being a ballin sophmore in high school droppin $200 on jerseys that almost no one at home will think is cool, which made me cooler in my own mind, or maybe it was just the fact that I never cared as long as i thought i was cool. Even to this day, as long as I think i look fly, its all good in the hood. But back to Niketown SF….

When we were at niketown, I saw these piles of yellow bracelets. I went and looked at them. Saw they cost a dollar and supported cancer research and survivors. Decided that my dollar was def worth that, so a few of us bought one. We left SF later that day and didn’t really think about it too much, just that it was cool we could support cancer research via nike and lance armstrong, who I’ve always been quite impressed by. I wore mine on and off, it was cool but it wasn’t always super comfortable and sometimes I would take it off and forget about it for a couple days. I liked it cuz I was making a statement, that a) I supported cancer research and awareness and b) that I liked nike. Pretty simple.

By summertime, livestrong had turned into a monster. Anytime something is selling for 20 times face value on ebay while it is still in the market, you have pretty much hit gold. It had blown up all over the US, my work included. Everyone had one. Which was probably why I stopped rockin mine. Suddenly it was cool to support cancer research and the idea that a little yellow bracelet could not only raise so much awareness but generate so much money for research AND make nike cool on a front that it never could have expected was pretty interesting. When people talk about nike being cool, it usually has to do with their shoes/jerseys/commercials and the people that rep them. But for one summer, nike wristwear was not only the talk of the town, but the fashion of the town too…

funny, i still have the jerseys. maybe your first love is the truest of them all.


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