Thursday, September 4, 2008


Saturday night after a rousing (okay not very rousing) evening at the bar, I returned home to the couch and some quality time with both FSC and GolTv. Between flipping back and forth and wondering why in the world I was home so early, I stumbled upon some bundesliga action, with Bremen playing M’bach. My very stable mind’s thoughts were WTF does M’bach stand for? Maybach? Munichbach? Maybeimhungrybach? I hadn’t the faintest. However after watching the first half, it was clear that M’bach was a beast, and they were taking champions league-bound Bremen, who I have enjoyed watching the last couple of years to town. As the game progressed, M’bach scored 3 goals, and while their 3-0 lead became 3-2 late, they still pulled off an impressive victory. However, after hearing their name at least 15 times from the announcer, I still had no idea what M’bach was, my best guess was Brussia Munichglabababach. Or something.

When I woke up the next morning for a fantasy football draft at 10am (seriously who does this? Oh those kids who are too young to go out and go to bed at normal times on Saturday nights…) I checked SBI and to my pleasure discovered that a) Michael Bradley had been transferred and b) that is was to Borussia Moenchengladbach, otherwise known to me as M’bach or Munichglabababach. I feel that this will be a very good transfer for him, as M’bach has quite an impressive young team, like Alexander Baumjohann, who made an impressive slaloming run from midfield to score the eventual game winner, and Marko Marin, who score in Germany’s last friendly a couple of weeks ago. Overall, the quality of play and player of both Bradley’s teammates and opponents should greatly benefit his game, and hopefully someone will teach him to stop getting dumb yellow cards, for the sake of all of us. I wish all the best to Borussia Michaelgladbradley, and hope they are a contender in the race for the bundesliga title. and that they rename the team to Borussia Michaelgladbradley. cuz it is a sweet name fo sho.


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