Saturday, September 6, 2008


skydiving was sick, pics later.

oh clint dempsey, how you play with my heart. you are inconsistent, maddening, and i love you. you may pain my heart, but your moments of brilliance are incredible. please, keep playing for bob b and the cottagers. because everytime you are on, you remind me that you could be the great white hope.

thoughts from the us game

- way to clutch up dempsey. you brought the sizzle, and your runs were dangerous again. i still dont think the right flank is your spot, but you were good anyway. the run midway through the first half showed the grit that you have been missing the last couple games. and that finish was clinical.
-after the goal, the us really looked like they were killing off the game, and as much as i didn't like it, i didn't hate it either. 1-0 is not the way to go but it is def better then a loss. the posession was good, especially for a sloppy field.
-having damarcys beasley in the line up makes the team so much more dangerous, especially going forward. you can tell he isnt completely fit, but he created some sick chances, and how there wasn't a pk awarded to the us on his cutback where the defender slid in the box and stopped his cross with his hand is beyond me
-chingaling (brian ching) played classy again. he might be better then i thought. i have always loved him, but he is playing some really impressive target forward right now. granted, its against cuba, but still.
-cuba 5 nothing but respect for these peeps right here. literally straight up, well earned, i may not like you but i respect you Anchorman status respect. and love. and jealousy that i am not one, but cuba cinco has a lot nicer ring then cuba seis.
-overall game - meh, us needs to start finishing chances. the field was poor as was the referee, as he missed at least 3 dangerous fouls that would have given the us great free kick/pks. a win is a win, and clint dempsey sacking up makes this game a B+. the formation was better, landon wasnt on the wing, but they need to try sasha wide, with landon as the withdrawn forward and demps as the attacking midfielder, or call freddy into camp. please.

Friday night in the bay area we had a minor earthquake. Tonight we had a major one.
who knew that Washington DC was so earthquake prone??

again, the quakes WILL make the playoffs. huck and artie are rampaging up top right now. well done frank yallop well done.


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