Sunday, September 7, 2008

hey, who's the new guy?

less then a week from club tryouts. i need to run/play this afternoon without a doubt. too much sad family stuff going on right now. just pretty much chillin watching the nfl today. played poker for a couple hours last night, was up a buyin but bricked out twice on major hands with top set for stacks, and then some guy paired against me to split a nice pot that i would have scooped. annoyingly frustrating session. it happens though.

assuming the us wins their next game vs T&T on Wednesday in chicago, who would you most like to see START in their next WC qualifier? that game will be Cuba again in early october at RFK in washington dc. obviously to play in this game, this player would have to get a call up. shockingly, my vote is likely marvell wynne. stevie c has worried me lately, and seeing wynne get a start and some experience would be great. what do you think?

if i missed your guy, vote for him via comments.


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